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Hey guys! I'm not sure how many of you follow hardware news or game on the PC, but if you're ever so slightly interested in that part of the digital world, you must've surely heard that Nvidia came out with their new GPU lineup.

Those GPU's are what I use to render out the images for my comics, and I was really excited this time around because the biggest of those cards, the RTX 3090 has 24 GB's of memory. Memory is really crucial when it comes to rendering because the more I have, the more stuff I can put into the renders.

And I was lucky to have been able to obtain one of those right after launch. Previously I've rendered with the RTX 2080 Ti, which has only 11 GB's of memory and has always been a stumbling block for me, especially with comics like Bullies which has a ton of geometry in it.

And I also found a willing buyer for the 2080 Ti's, an opportunity which I took because their values were plummeting due to the new GPU's coming out. So I sold them and a couple of days later the new 3090 arrived.

The problem is, the software that I use to render out the comics, Daz Studio, doesn't actually support the new GPU's yet. In my excitement, I totally forgot to check whether they updated it for the new lineup or not. Turns out the support is still in closed beta stage, and they haven't released it yet as of today.


So I'm sitting here, stuck, without being able to work on Bullies 10. I was hoping that they would release it in the past couple of days, I could've completed the comic maybe a week into October that way, but it looks like it's going to be a little while more.

So, yeah, looks like I'm going to pause this month's pledge, so nobody will be charged, and  instead I will release the comic on Gumroad directly as soon as it's done, which will be more towards the second half of the month. It's totally my fault, should've checked beforehand.

But hey, at least as soon as I'm able to work on it again, it'll be much easier for me to work on Bullies. I gotta be honest, I planned on part 10 being the last part of Bullies because it's really hard for me to work on large scenes like in Bullies without compromises. But now, this new GPU is going to make my life much easier.

Hope you guys understand. Take care!




Noooo You can't stop bullies dude 🙄


So now that you have the new GPU, will Bullies continue, or does the 10th chapter that you have written still close out the story?


I don't really think you should take too much blame here. The whole situation with Studio and GPUs confuses me too. Am I right in thinking that Studio still doesn't really use the Turing-based cards to their full capability either? I vaguely remember reading that on the Daz forums. I upgraded to the 2080ti last year (which is easily 5-7 times faster than the previous one) and it'll be a loooong time before I even think about a 3090. Anyway, check you out with your sexy new GPU! :) How is it size and power wise? Did you have to get a bigger case or power supply?


Sucks to hear but I understand. I just hope it doesn't take DAZ Studios months and months to support the new GPU's. Would be quite depressing not having any new comic coming out. Anyways, looking forward to your return.

Bell Deng

so bullies will end... will Diane's story continue in future?


No I will continue, since now I have the hardware that'll make my life much easier.


I think they've finally updated DAZ to use NVlink and all that, but the new 30 series is literally twice as powerful, so I might as well go with one big card instead of two smallers ones. And yeah it's a giant card! I have the MSI Gaming Trio Version, and it goes up to 550 wants in consumption at times! But it still fits in my case though. I have a relatively large case (H700i), and already had a 1000w PSU, so that's not a problem.


Thanks! I don't think it will, apparently they're testing it out on a closed beta version. Should be soon enough.


Bullies will end, but not with part 10. It will end later. Diana will be back in Bullies. :)


Thank you so much for the update. Hope Daz releases that code soon!


Hopefully! But I've already found a workaround. Now back to working on the comic. :)