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Hey guys! It's been a while since I updated stuff.

So, for the past couple of weeks I've been away from work in general. The reason being that my dad, who is quite old (75), has most likely contracted Covid 19, and I've been taking care of him personally. It's quite a crisis on the area where I live, and he's had it rough, but relatively well enough considering his age. Mostly just coughs, a mild fluctuating temperature and general fatigue. The worst has been his loss of appetite, which has led to him losing a ton of energy. But he's recovering now and past the worst.

I still don't know if it's the virus or not with certainty, I refused to take him to a hospital because they're swamped, and his symptoms haven't been serious enough to get priority testing. But right now I don't really care anymore. He's going to survive it. This virus is no joke.

But anyway, since I've been caring for him, I fully expected to get sick myself too, but so far I've been ok, and I'm back to work again since I don't have watch over him constantly. At first I wanted to get back to Sociopathic, but a lot of people have been asking me about Adeline and Bullies, so I think I'm going to get back to those two before I resume with Sociopathic.

This month it's time for Adeline, Episode 4 of Season 2. Here's a little preview of her with her favorite pet!

Take care guys, and stay healthy. Take the virus seriously.




Hey, it is really sad to hear about your father. I hope everything turns out okay. Please take care of yourself and your family first and foremost. Nothing else is as important as that, especially in times like these. Good luck!


Thank God it looks like your Dad is going to be OK. Please keep yourself as healthy and well as you can!

Bell Deng

OMG please be safe and well best wishes


Chin up mate were all gonna make it through this thing.


Hey man, just wanted to check how things are going?


Hey! Things are well now, dad finally recovered, but I've only been back to my work PC in the last few days. Nowhere near enough time to finish the comic, going to have to be another delay...