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So, first things first, I will suspend my Patreon for this month again, so nobody will be charged. The reasons are many little things that are adding up quite a bit.

But the main reason is that I'm having some bad headaches again like I did a couple of months ago. I think it's because I'm spending way too much time in front of the PC and my phone, since they get better when I spend time outside.

But the problem is that we're in the middle of a lockdown where I live and I can't really do much about it. Can't visit the doc because private practices are barred unless it's an emergency (and mine isn't really), and hospitals are full of Covid-19 patients that I can't really risk visiting. Can't spend time in nature unless I want to get forcibly quarantined.

I tried to ignore it at first because it isn't really that bad. I was working on Silverstar at first, but wasn't getting anywhere. Then I switched to Sociopathic 6 in the last few days. But I see that it's really having an impact in the quality of my work. It just isn't as good as I want it to be.

Then there's all the other little issues that are associated with the lockdown, as many of you might be experiencing yourself. Safe to say that all of them added are having quite a toll, though I cannot really complain considering what others are going through at the same time around the world.

But anyway, I know I've amassed quite a bit of a streak lately with all the delays. Seems like I'm one of those guys that really are bad at being productive lol. But it is how it is, so I'm going to have to apologize again.

I'm going to try to spend the next week away from my PC, and my phone as much as I can, though it's going to be really difficult since there isn't much else for me to do. Maybe I'll get some audiobooks or something to pass the time. Suggestions are appreciated lol.

Also, one thing I wanted to do is to start putting out PNG, or at least JPEG versions of my comics here on Patreon, like a zip file instead of just the PDF's. Would you guys want that? I can say that the quality is measurably better, though the file sizes are quite a bit larger.

I was thinking of publishing Sociopathic 5 that way too, putting it on the link I've sent out for it earlier this month. I'll let you know when I'm done (as soon as I have a day without the headaches getting too bad).

Anyway, stay safe guys. I have a few more updates and announcements in the weeks to come (as long as I get better).



I'm really sorry things are going so poorly for you right now. But don't worry about it too much. Just know your work is always worth the the wait. Hopefully this virus will be gone soon and we can all get back to our lives. As for getting in to nature, you could try opening a window and maybe doing some light exercises near it. It's not much, but it could help. I hope you feel better soon.


Please feel better. No rush or pressure on you from me. Just concentrate on relaxing, and getting those headaches under control. Wishing you safe and speedy healing!


Thank you! Yeah, I'm already doing better now that I'm trying to spend time away from my screen. Maybe in the end it's just glasses that I need, I don't really know (though I can see sharp enough). But anyway, gotta keep it up for it to be worthwhile. As for the virus, well, my little town that has been virus free so far has just been hit with a confirmed cluster today. Going to be a while till it goes away, ugh.


Thank you! Yeah, I'm doing better already. I'll have to rest for a little while more, then work out a schedule that is better for me with more pauses between the hours I spend in front of my PC. Hope to be back soon.


The most important thing is health. Just relax and keep calm. No reason to have a bad conscience. Don't let work or anything else get you down. Stay safe.