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So, again, I have to apologize.

I'm not sure how many of you guys read my status update on my DA (which Patreon doesn't allow me to link here unfortunately). Basically, because of some reoccurring heath issues, I've been on a month long break until about two weeks ago.

The good news for me is that I'm feeling much better now, but the bad one is that I've had trouble getting back on track after being away from rendering and writing for more than a month.

I've been trying to get into the rhythm and producing the new comic called June, but to be perfectly honest, I just don't like how it's turning out. And because I've lost too much time trying different things out and scrapping most of it, I find myself quite a bit late. Again.

So, I've had to rethink my schedule a bit. And the thing is that I've realized that I've overextended myself too much. I'm just doing too many stories at the same time, and because I leave too much space between the different comics, I lose my touch with the previous parts.

So, begrudgingly, I have to accept the fact that I need to postpone this new comic for the foreseeable future and I won't have anything for this month either. So I'm pausing my Patreon again, for the third time, and nobody will be charged.

As I've said in the beginning, I have to apologize to you guys. I obviously need to work on my organization and scheduling better (and hopefully remain healthy too).

What I'm going to do now is to finish up The Crush starting images, and then do Sociopathic 4 next month. I'm going to try and focus just on Adeline, Sociopathic and Bullies until I finish at least one of those series before I move on to new things.

Hope you guys understand. And as always, thank you for your support!



You've no need to apologise. Your health needs to take precedence above all else, and it's not like anyone's being charged while you take a break. Look after yourself, don't overextend yourself and don't stress out about this. When you're ready to start publishing again, I'm sure plenty of us will be here waiting. All the best!


Oh Yeah ! I love these three comic, please finish them first !


will you celebrate Liverpool winning the premier league with one of these fine giantess's? ....that they feast on the runners up (man city) ;)


It's only November! Way to early to even think about it. ;) But hey, you never know...