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Kal has found himself in a bit of a situation it seems. How did he get here? Is Lea even aware?

First part of Voyeuristic 5 to be out here on Patreon soon! Hope you enjoy the teaser!



Black Mugen

I just finish the chapter 4 and now this.... men, give us a break! hahaha I'm joking, please this series has entered in a supreme mode.

Tiny Paradise

I hope the story will have some room for Lea finding the rest of the village in one chapter! (I remember thinking that she could start searching for them if she ever loses Kal lol). Anyways, so glad to see part 5 already on the making! This is one of my personal fave size stories ^^


Thank you! I've fleshed it out quite a bit now, so it certainly won't end with part 5.


Thank you! There will be more tinies introduced in a future part, definitely. But I can't really spoil how and when though, sorry! 😅