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I'm moving in a week to start a new job so art posts may be slow for a little while as I get settled. Also Patreon is currently being a bunch of censor-happy asshats and telling me I have to remove the Asuka doujin and several Calcia pieces (apparently the mere mention or implication of the word "school" offends them to such an extreme degree they would likely ban a charity fund). So as it stands, I'll be looking into alternatives, especially to keep you all updated on the Doujin. So thanks for your continued support and Fuck Patreon.



They are really inconsistent 😑. Will continue to support you, and wishing you the best on your new job!

Kirby's Squire

Patreon's a bunch of dipshits


Gonna look into some alternative ways of going about posting content. In the meantime, if you have a Twitter you can follow me there cause I do post updates on the doujin