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Hey Guys,

Since a few weeks, I'm thinking about something. As you know, I write weight gain stories, but it's been a while I did not published a new one. 

I love to write LONG stories, but it takes me a lot of time, specially when I write them in english, which is not my mother language. I know I'm perfectible, I try to do my best.

The problem is that I have plenty of short stories, around 20, maybe more. I always say to myself I will make them longer, but, sometimes, I don't have time, or, I'm not in the mood for that. And much more : I am putting too much of pressure on myself, that's why I'm litteraly blocked, I want to be free about the lenght of my writings.

The question is : Would you prefer to have long stories, or having my short ones too ?

It would make a lot more contents on here, and I would be very happy to share them with you !


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