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Hey guys !
Sorry for my late, I took a lot of Time to write my brand new weight gain story !
I thought I was able to released it on my birthday but it takes much more Time.
It is called "Happy Burstday", It's about a gainer's special birthday.
I Hope you will like it.

Happy Burstday (2022)
By Maniz

"Wake up my whale !"
I heard his sweet whisper in my ear and yawned.
I woke up tenderly before opening my eyes. David, my lovely blondie muscular feeder boyfriend was in front of me, with a huge smile (he was also very hard, his red jockstrap was quite tight.)
"Mmmh... Let me sleep a little more... I'm tired"
"No, my little whale, you have to woke up" said my feeder with a stronger voice. "Today is a very important day and I have a Big surprise for you".
I reopened my eyes.
"Yes sweetie ? What is the surprise ?
He approached two pipes of my face. I couldn't resist, my belly gurgled.
"You seem hungry Fatty" Said my blondie with a gentle bellyrub.
My 270 kg / 595 lbs body giggled slowly, just like the calm waves of a lake.
"If you knew..."
"Great, let's begin !"
David didn't let me to wake up properly, he put the two pipes in my mouth, I moaned before sucking it.
The pipes were connected to two grey metallic tanks. It was written "12 gallons" in big yellow letters on my side.
There was also a small glass pipe on both of the tanks in order to check if the level of liquid is full or not.

Wow... Am I about to drink 24 gallons ? It's 96 liters ! Now, i need to know what are theses liquid.

My feeder, watching me looking at the pipes, said : "Do you want to know what did I prepared for you Whaly ?"
I answered yes with my head, even if It's not easy with my triple chin and huge cheeks on my face.
_I let you guess what is it ! All you need to know is I prepared this surprise with all my love for you !"
He climbed on the bed, let his head on my belly and closed his eyes.
"I want you to finish all of that stuff today. I want to HEAR you growing Whaly".
I shaked vertically my head to say yes.
"Good." Said my blondie. "Now, drink".
He slapped my belly. A Fat wave traveled on my belly and shooked gently all of my body.

I drink both of the pipes, and wow ! I never drank something like that. It's globally Vanilla flavoured, It's very fat, sugary and creamy. I try to drink more if the left pipe.

Mmmmm It's seems to be a homemade gainer shake, I recognise the recipe, my favorite one : _Vanilla ice cream,
_Whole milk,
_Heavy cream,
_Double cream,
_Nuts oil,
_Peanut butter,
_Custard Cream

Now, the other one. I suck more on the right pipe and think about how it tastes. A few gulps later, I recognized the flavour.
That was ULTRA BOOST, a powerful weight gainer drink. My Feeder added bananas to it, with butter and whole milk.
I got immediately hard and sucked both of the pipes.

Mmmmm... So creamy...

I sucked even more and felt myself fattening up, getting heavier by the minute. Each gulp makes me fatter and bring me closer and closer to immobility. The Idea was so hot, i hot even harder and moaned. Some precum was leaking under my fatrolls.

I'm so helpless, a huge lardass. I can't even touch my dick since I reached 200 kg / 440 lbs. You know, I'm only 5.6 feet tall !

I'm so glad to have David in my life. He helps me a lot. I'm litterally outgrowing everything in this World, he takes care of me and he's such an amazing Feeder. I was only 130 kg / 287 lbs when I met him on Faturban, a social network for gainers and encouragers, Feeders, fat admirers, etc.
That was 2 years ago. I had a strong depressive périod and David saved my life. I felt like shit after several failures and bad love experiences with some assholes, my blondie helped me to regain my self esteem, beign a better person.
David wasn't an extreme feeder like today. He Always loved my body, but, the more i gained with his help, the more he became extreme. That's what I love, i'm a huge cathedral size fat god trapped in this anorexic body of a small whale beached on two kingsize beds.
One day, i'm gonna be THE FAT GOD I always wanted to be, The Perfect Beauty. And an army of Feeders will spoil me and fatten me up until I swallow a planet.
David says I'm "the man who wants to fill the world". He's so right !
I know, it seems totally unrealistic, but, you know, It's not a simple gainer fantasy, It's far beyond from that, It's necessary !

Oh, and, do you want to know why my lovely feeder caracterize me as a whale ? It's because of my name : William. everyone in my family and Friends calls me Willy. And...As a megachub, David call me Whaly, you got it ? This is such an exciting nickname, I'm Always hard when my blondie call me like that. That's one of the reasons i'm actually flooding my bed sheet with my fat milk.

I'm still sucking hard on both of the hoses. All of this greasy and sugary stuff in me...

Yummy !

I need so much more ! I moaned with pleasure, while my body got fatter than ever !
David was so excited he just creaked his jockstrap. He began to wank himself with his right hand, and plunges the other one in my fattening dough. He moaned even more.
"Mmmmm my dear Whaly...Get fatter for me !
He pulled his head from my body, i kept getting bigger. My belly engulfed my knees and my lovehandles began to overflow my beds.
"I want you sooo fat ! Mmmm !"
David accelerate and plunges his head on my evergrowing dough, towering like a Hill now.
"So fat... So sexy ! More ! I want MORE !"
David stopped his masturbation and he climbed my small mountain of a belly. He looked at me, tenderly, while I'm still sucking on the two pipes.
I was growing so nicely, i even felt strechmarks ripping my cheeks.

Gosh... I'm getting soo BIG !

A burst of creamy cum flooded my deep fatpad and leaked on my wet bedsheets.
Blondie kissed my multiple necks and cheeks, then he whispered in my ear "I'm David, you're my Goliath.... My fat Goliath... My heavenly whale... My Obese God !
I felt more and more powerfull.
My muscled man climbed a little more on me, upper my huge moobs and put his big fat cock in my mouth, just between the two pipes.
"Grow faster Whaly, grow, grrrooowwww ! I want to you so much bigger ! Even planet size won't be enough for you !"
"Mmmmm mmmmm !"
"I love to see you swell like a fatball sweetie, my butterball !"

I never had this kind of experience before. I have two pipes of a very fattening mixture, with my boyfriend's dick in my Mouth. I got even more excited.
I sucked everything as fast as i could and moaned even more.
David was so horny. I'm sure he's thinking about me getting so fat I explode. This fantasy makes me even harder than ever, but my tiny stick can't hurt me anymore, It's sooo deeply buried in my fatpad and I can't tell you how much feet you have to crawl under my towering mountain, my belly is about two engulf my feet!
I feel my little cock is like it is a treasure who needs to be discovered.

While i'm still sucking on my three "pipes", I imagine David as an explorer like Indiana Jones :
He's exploring my fat folds like an ancient and enormous cavern complex with a temple, my stick of pleasure. David is really determind to grab the Magic stick. He's getting through the differents obstacles of the cavern : suffocating atmosphere, slipping and crooked grounds, a strange river of some kind of white hot pudding, very small passages, and then... The temple, to the Glory of a some kind of Fat Divinity. I imagine my dear blondie climbing the stairs of the temple, getting hotter by each step...

AND SUDDENLY, David litterally screamed of pleasure and a tsunami oh hot semen flooded my mouth. I woke up from my fantasy and got surprised by the added flow in me.
All of this hot mixture in my belly... Yummy... I never had such an intense birthday !
My Feeder's milk was really creamy today, creamier than the two others liquids in the pipes. It was harder to swallow all of this but I managed to swallow everything. I'm a Big Fat Competition Gainer !
When David finished to feed me, he lied on my chest, completely exhausted.
"WOW... That was... Huff... So... Intense"
I couldn't answer, i'm still drinking both of the mixtures.
My belly growled. A very small noise. But it growled again, a little louder.
Blondie turned his head and pressed his ear on my skin.
"Mmmmm I love to hear you when you digest all my food, all my offerings for my fat god.
My dear muscled feeder played with my big saggy moobs, when a bigger sound escaped from my belly. It was very loud and treatening.
I moaned of discomfort.
David got very concerned.
"Are you okay sweetie ? Do you want to stop ?"
I moved my head as far as I could to Say no. I have so much added fat around my head and on my head, I'm getting close to the total immobilisation.
It wasn't a pain, it was just discomfort. I'm growing so fat that my skin is now tighted as a drum. I truly need a massage.
I moved my hand, slower than ever since they were getting as full as a stuffed turkey.
My boyfriend understood the message. He began to massage my Hill of a belly, soon to be a real mountain. While i was pleasured by this exquisite massage, I closed my eyes to relax as much as I could while I was still sucking on the pipes. I guess the level in both of the tanks is getting low.
Suddenly, I began to grow fatter, before my eyes.

My feeder widen his eyes.
"OH MY GOD... I Guess i've overdone it !"
David's erection came back, just like me.
A heat wave invades each inch of my body. It was like my body fat reacted with the shakes and David's milk. I kept sucking both of the hoses until I emptied the tanks.

I'm now growing like my biggest fantaisies as such as Sherman Klump Aka Fatzilla in the movie "The Nutty Professor" when he outgrows a hospital in a dream.
David was getting so small on my towering belly, the ceiling is getting closer and closer. My lovehandles are brushing the sides walls of the room.
I moaned even more. The pleasure is getting intense !

"I love you sweetie!" Said David.
I tried to answer "I love you too !" but my mouth was getting blocked by my huge cheeks.
Suddenly, my fat lake of a body shooked.

"What was that ?"
I... I just... Crushed... The bed... Under... My Fat !"
"Gosh ! You're such a WHALE ! I love you"
My blondie kissed my huge face and played with my multiple chins.
I loved the feeling, having all of these chins rolls, it is like wearing a big turtleneck pull-over, except in this case, which is better.

Mmmmm so much Fat, i'm becoming The Perfect Beauty !

A loud sound banged. David's head hit the ceilling.

Mmmm i'm still growing !

"Sorry sweetie, I don't want to be crushed under your loving Fat" Said David. He gently slapped my evergrowing body and slide down on my chest and belly.
Then, he tripped over the ruins of the bed and fall on the ground. My boyfriend tried to get up but his feet was already trapped under a Big fatroll.
That was too heavy for him. My divine body covered his calfs, then his thighs, buttocks and Hips.
He moved his body as much as he could but thé weight of my rolls on him was too heavy. He cried of pain and screamed for help.

I couldn't help him, i'm COMPLETELY immobile and i'm still growing. I even felt myself destroying all the furnitures in the room. My head is against the ceiling, crushing my nose against it and unable to speak.
I'm quite frustrated to not be able to see my transformation but I can tell you, with all my feelings, I'm becoming as powerfull as a god !
I just couldn't help myself and cummed even more and several times. My hot puddle litterally flooded my mattress.

Mmmmm... I never had such a Big and Intense orgasm like this one !
I just want to grow fatter and fatter and cum all day long...

My lovehandles crushed the walls, they gave out.
I Heard creaking sounds everywhere.

My sweet boyfriend tried one last time to escape from my blobby body but an other Roll of Fat covered him entirely, muffled his pain cry.
Between the creaking sounds of the walls and my stomach rambling, I heard glommy sounds, and then... the Scream stops. I broke my boyfriends Bones... I killed him...

I wasn't able to be sad, i was very high, in an alternative consciousness.

Mmmm sweetie you dedicated your life to your fat god and now he's getting out of control !

I don't even know why, but I cummed so much more.

I was crushing everything in my house now, I felt my heavenly body pushing against the exterior walls.

I feel so tight... I... I'm about to...

I began to cum like I never did before, screaming of pleasure.
And then, I had a final growth spurt, destroying everything in the house to the extern walls. Everything happened very fast.

The house torn down, the walls are pulverized under my thunder lovehandles, the roof slide down my head and chest, and my hose of a dick is splattering the garden's grass.

I felt myself towering even more, pushing the garden trees with my fatty feet, destroying a parked car with one of my many armrolls, but unable to move my members.

I'm like an overstuffed teddyb...





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