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- Fixed an error when removing relationship bits via "s4clib.remove_relationship_bit" where it would try to add a relationship bit instead.

- Added an event to occur whenever a Relationship Bit is added or removed from/to a Sim.

- Fixed a conversion issue inside `CommonSpecies.convert_to_localized_string_id`

- Added functions to `CommonAgeUtils` to retrieve the birth age of Sims by Sim Info and by Species.

- Added functions for checking if a Species value is Large Dog or Small Dog inside `CommonSpeciesUtils`.

- Added fit fat commands to modify fit and fat levels of Sims.

- Added functions to `CommonSimBodyUtils` to control fit and fat levels

- CommonConsoleCommand now automatically registers aliases without underscores.

- Added utilities for getting all Sims that match a demographic and performing an action on all Sims that match a demographic.

- Updated the Choose Sim Demographics dialog to enable hiding the All Sims and No Sims and also an option to not reopen the dialog when selections are made.

- The current Sims 4 version is now logged to the S4CL log file on start up.

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