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So I have had a few exit interviews on Patreon that have stated things about my content. Like not enough of this or why so much of that. What I wanted to say is that before you leave, there is a message system here. Feel free to reach out to me and I can (hopefully) explain or talk to you about why those things are a certain way. It is frustrating to hear feedback after someone has gone rather than while they are here. 

I cannot promise I will be able to fix what it is you need but I can try and explain why its one way or another. If you still wish to go, then I wish you farewell. At least let me try and see or explain before you leave. 

thank you and you know where to find me! 

EDITED TO ADD: Don't forget I have a suggestion box for Patreon Ideas 

EDITED AGAIN to add: if you have a script and you don't mind me using it here feel free to send it to me. Not a guarantee I'll do it but I'll take a look!!



I enjoy your erotica. Mommy rp’s are my favorite. Theres something about the way you do it....nobody else can do it the way you do. I hope the erotic audios aren’t going anywhere but if they are, I’d still be here.


I don't think it's something about they way you do things you should change Jaye, it's just that in my case a particular taste brought me to you. 30 min + audios with build up towards a peak, not gonna lie nobody achieves that but you in my case. But you've only got X amount of time during each day, during each week, during each month, etcetera so I can understand you diversify. And with keeping everyone happy you make certain decisions. It's just well the content is far from my peculiar taste, which is my problem and not something you should change about anything your doing.


Right but if you were to leave I'd want a chance to explain why I do that content on this platform. You know? I'm not saying I would change just leaving without asking is a bit weird.


I think i put the wrong thing in the suggestion box 😔