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would be full of soulless introverts who would actually be cool once you really get to know them well lol


Okay firstly this is freaky because just as you posted this I was daydreaming about having / being a clone slave. I think I would probably split everyone into households, with probably each household having 1 owner and 7 or 8 slaves. The slaves would have their duties rotated on a schedule, most likely - I imagine it would be unhealthy for someone to serve more than 12 hours on duty as master's urinal. The slaves would be sissified and caged a lot of the time, and probably diapered 24/7 too knowing me. There would probably be a fixed rule that after a set time, perhaps 5 years, everyone is shuffled up and everyone joins a household with a set of clones they don't have any history with. And most importantly, the Dom of each household would be chosen again at random. Fuck, I'm gonna have to write this as a story now.


Red Dwarf Series 6 Ep 5 XD


It’d probably be like a box of mixed jellybeans, some good, some meh, just depends when you catch a clone of me. I think ultimately though, it’d be pretty tamed until the horny kicks in and then dies down again. Life would continue as normal? Same daily/weekly schedules would be used, working out, showering, drawing, gaming, etc.

R. Pines

A bunch of perverts trying to one up each other with increasingly disturbing ideas for erotic audios


Imagine a coven of giant fox bats; perpetually dressed in black, really enjoy fruit, look terrifying but are super sweet. Also, have a high rate of homosexual couplings, cus, y'know, useless goth lesbian.


It’d be frikken awesome. 😂


Not much would get done and things would come to a standstill


My clones and I would never get anything done because we'd be constantly getting annoyed with the other clones sarcastically replying to everything I said with "Wonderful!" or "How nice!"