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Wanted to tell you a bit about my favorite b flicks that all happen to be from the mid 80's of course!




A fan of 80s movies? Can I possibly love you more? Whenever I think of Banzai I also think of Big Trouble in Little China, if you've ever seen that.


The Ice Pirates. If you haven’t you really should. 1984, so it’s almost bang on trend lol

Alexx Kay

Mid-80s over-the-top comedy? My favorite is Get Crazy, which for Reasons is only available on Youtube (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zrIRmMNi800). A much more articulate friend of mine recently reviewed it (https://sovay.dreamwidth.org/1237704.html): "I must warn you it is notably misnamed. I do not mean that as a concert film and backstage comedy it is not wild, absurd, one hundred and ten percent primo bazoo; it is. I mean that the title implies the existence of some baseline of normality from which the film will achieve escape velocity and it must be understood there just ain't no such thing."