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You came to me because you are having all sorts of fantasies. I promised I could help you...and I can. You just have to follow my instructions.



Tony Boyd

I have been in the position of therapist, counselor or coach for many years. There have been temptations that have never gone beyond fantasy. I have some stories, though. I would volunteer to be a patient off of Dr. Jaye.


Thanks! I was trying to figure out another profession that would lend itself to this. Nurse has been over done.

Tony Boyd

Therapists in general, but Sex Therapists or Marriage Therapists will always be fertile ground. With your imagination, passion and talent even the standard Teacher/Student, Nurse/Patient or Therapist would never get stale. I would think that any relationship where one party is dependent upon the other could be fruitful. Personal trainer/Fitness coach, Clergy?

Tony Boyd

I’m trying to imagine a nun with a voice like yours.......


What a great audio totally calm realy relaxing i kinda liked it and also a great story idea. I mean now there are multiple ways how this could (if there will be more parts like on summon a deamon) go further. Also that mystery about the therapist who she is or better said what she is and want... and also what will the next steps be. hypnotise him and slowly try to force or convincing that he should try it so that the fanatsies will let him go.. uff amazing one 😍