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I wanted to possibly revamp my patreon and all the tiers at the turn of the year and wanted the feed back of the people who are already paying for it. What you like/don't like. What you would love to see. THIS IS BY NO MEANS A GUARANTEE THAT I WILL IMPLEMENT ALL FEEDBACK . Please feel free to be honest and let me know what you think.

I will leave this up for a few months and re post it each month to hit the new people too. I will have a public one that is weighed less than the people who are already supporting me. Thank you all! I love being able to create for you.


Current Patreon Feedback

I wanted to possibly revamp my patreon and all the tiers at the turn of the year and wanted the feed back of the people who are already paying for it. What you like/don't like. What you would love to see. THIS IS BY NO MEANS A GUARANTEE THAT I WILL IMPLEMENT ALL FEEDBACK .



On thing that was mentioned. Was a list of all the audios I've posted at the end of the month. I can't do that on Patreon because of some of the content. Patreon has its own master list here: https://nocturnal-shortener.herokuapp.com/PatAu Everything else that is not paid content can me found on my master list. The stuff at the bottom is the new things. And the master list is on my website. Jayewilde.com Hope this helps