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"Now just so you know, werewolves aren’t like you might have seen in the movies, especially not futa werewolves. We don’t just turn into mindless animals when we change, more like…a darker, dormant aspect of our personality takes over. It’s...dominant…vicious...”

“We can still talk of course, reason and problem solve, that's part of what makes us the true apex predators, but…our most primal cravings take over. We just...take what we want. And I’m gonna want you." 

"I’m almost out of time. Listen, I might...say things when I change. Strange things, or nasty things. But please try to remember, it's just the most primal, basic part of me talking. I love you. That won’t change, when I do."

I'd like to thank Jamie McKafee for his help in writing part of this script. His words really brought it to life. Check out more of his writing on literotica and Hentai-Foundry



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