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I got given this great idea by one of you and I'm letting the top tiers do the first submissions. What I asked them was this:

" So the idea is that I am asking you to submit a short, one-two sentence  audio idea. Then I will let you vote on which idea you'd like me to  record. I am trying out tier combinations so maybe there is not 50 ideas to vote on. "

A few of them did not follow the instructions of a few sentences. A few of them did not follow patreon TOS. So what I have left are these ideas (after removing the ones that did not follow instructions) Please vote in the next week for the ones you like and the top vote will be made into an audio.

Next month I will try this again with the lower tiers. (and hope you listen a bit better to the rules)

Just for future reference for public audios on Patreon:  no Incest, Age, Beast, Rape (non con counts as rape) or Hypno at all so keep those themes out of the suggestions. 



Looks like the fourth idea wins. But I will do that futa werewolf one as well soon.