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Hey guys! I hope you all had a lovely start of the new year!

I wanna start this off by thanking you again for the support over this past 12 months. It means the world to me that you like my content enough to throw me some bucks every 4 weeks and I sincerely am so grateful.

As I start to prepare for the convention season and my upcoming comic, I've decided to shut down all of my tiers except for the Tip Jar, for I will no longer be able to put out exclusive content for patreon for a little while.  So I'd ask you guys to either remove your pledge or to adjust it to the 1$ one if you'd still like to help me out a bit! I will still try to post a sketch or two when I have the time, but updates will not be consistent. I hope you understand!

As my comic picks back up again, I might open a new tier for early access to the pages, but that will be further along the line.

Thanks again for your support and have a lovely january! I'll see you soon ♥

(EDIT) Rewards for December will be prepped and sent out soon!


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