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Cleaning sfm folder discovers some forgotten project that wasnt rendered for unknown reasons. Edited a bit and rendered with 4 POVs

PS no preview links because Mixtape have died, RIP.

PSS if anyone knows any service with able of upload nsfw vids for preview - would be epic appreciated :3

POV1 - https://mega.nz/#!zigDQKBB!RideyLtd7RqCo1YJ1ZpQBw1UpTi6qtjOdArr6VLtlr4 

POV2 - https://mega.nz/#!e6gnQARZ!dCPhY8978sypr0tPlZOUHaT4_ic73YSDW_CI6k0bcVU 

POV3 - https://mega.nz/#!DvgBxaxA!rMV_2sClDsd9TDZAokyFp0xEQ09zyG3EfwrqTaeARig 

POV4 - https://mega.nz/#!Wyw3DCRC!19qslmXeSuYvwxYO36PNTijNOL1GzziyFTiU5Z0uFmQ 




Lighting in a lot of these are very dark, don't forget to add lights to your scenes.


I think it’s more that you just have one light behind your characters, the second scene where you have a light behind the cameral feels better, but unless you want it to feel like nighttime, you might need more.


in actual there was like 5 lights around, just i make them to about near 0 power simply to turn on phong effect on models. When i try to make them more brightly - this "night" low light effect goes off and scene become like pron studio with many spotlights around :)


they all broken links


TY for reply, no idea wtf was that, links just stop working, while text comparing site says that links from patreon and on MEGA are the same, but patreon just dont wanted to open link as it need, checked all other links from posts, they work well... Looks like some patreon bug :)