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no more fight! let's cuddle! 

Previous Page: https://www.patreon.com/posts/yeti-hunt-part-8-61168282




Ready for round two it seems lol, Great page Zoro, I love how different each panel is. Keep up the amazing work!


Now that's my kind of cuddling!


Oh a turn I was not expecting not going to lie.


everytime you post i think, maybe this time it wont be amazing, but it always is


haha they want a more passionate round now xD glad you liked this one x)


Begging for feet stuff tbh


Oh gosh, this is so good. The smooching, hugging, body contact 😳 I was hoping we'd get to see some good snuggling with these two! ✨


To have zoro update on my birthday is the best gift ever


ooh Happy Birthdaaaay man!! hope you have an amazing day <3


It's one of my rules! two chunky daddies should always kiss and cuddle <3


Mais um round 🛐 quando o mel é bom a abelha sempre volta ~& Simaria, Simone~


So much hotness 🥵🔥🥵, gropping and the kissing

Hank McCoy

I may have looked at this and then went "teehee" like a 12 yr old girl. Also, I heard a rumor that yeti feet get very cold easily and orc saliva is incredibly warm and good at heating things up... Or was that orc precum 🤔


actually, yeti feet can be very warm! his whole body can be! it's part of his body system to keep himself warmer in the winter (and of course the others he cuddles... 👀) Source: my crazy mind lmao

Hank McCoy

Maybe I had it reversed and orc tongues are incredibly cold and need warming up with warm yeti feet 🤔


The kissing panel and the frotting with the enormous penises and testicles massaging against each other are so gorgeous and sexy. I want the yeti to stick his tongue deep into daddy orc's manhchute again, and swirl that hot tongue against that prostate until the orcdaddy explodes in orgasm.


Looks like Orc hunted himself a husbando instead lol. Maybe a secondary character wulf should consider joining them?


On second thought, nah, I'll deny a certain doggo his pleasure. Orc should totally fire the wulf and replace him with a more reliable partner ;P


You've made a page where everything you made so wonderfully is addressed in every single panel. Astounding as usual. 👌


This is definitely the best way to win a fight, haha! And again, the little things are done so /well/ haha. I love the O_o look on Grandgar's face in panel two as he's pushed to the ground, for example. And of course, the Frotting is fantastically well done!


I mean, from the sound of it this thing happens to poor Grandgar all the time, haha. And hey, in this specific type of battle, his wolf buddy would probably be more in the way :P


I love how the yeti balls is just resting on his <3


<333 thank you so much maan! I honestly was a bit don'tknow about this page but glad you liked it!


a fun fact, "O_o" face is the best expression to draw! lmao thank you so much <3


Tiddie play is so hot~ 👌🏼


Also that is a cute face orc hunter next to the tiddie >w<

Cole McReid's Disciple

OK, I know you excel in pretty much every area artistically, but HOW HAVE WE NOT MENTIONED THE PERFECT YETI ASS YET?! Like... As in... PURE PERFECTION. WOW. Wow wow wow wow wow wow. So well done, Z.