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Hey there guys! first of all thank you for all the support you guys were giving to me! <3 Thanks to you I can have better living conditions than before! thank you so so so so much!!

I'm here to warn you that I'll take a break in November because I'm going to travel and I, unfortunately, will not have time to give a complete content for you all... I could just deliver half content and be okay with that but I would not feel well. So no content in November! I'll only be back in December!

Important Questions for current Patrons:

  • Will you be charged on November 1st? YES! when you are charged in the first week of the month, you are being charged because of the previous month content. For those who are in Tier 3, you need to be charged on November 1st to receive the October pack. If you joined my Patreon in the middle of this month and you already were charged and don't want to be again, better to cancel your membership before the month's end!
  • In November I will not give content, which means in December you guys will not be charged.
  • FOR NEW PATRONS WHO JOIN IN NOVEMBER, you will be charged immediately. So don't join my Patreon in November! LOL

Anyway, if you want to be refound or have questions you can always DM me and I'll help you!

One last thing about my Twitter Account! I deleted it... lmao YES... I was not feeling well there... my anxiety was attacking me because of numbers and etc etc... I needed to cut this away from my life... I pretend to return next year because, as an artist, I need social media to work and interact! For now, I'm taking a break from there... I'm sorry for having a shit mind but I hope to get better... x)

And there is more orc content coming here! Orctober didn't end! 

Big hugs to you all!



Have a good trip! I'll wait for you back. :3


All good bro! Have a nice trip! And honestly, good call on deleting your Twitter. I did too a while back and it did wonders for my mental health


A parte sobre o twitter me chocou um pouco mas entendo Boa viagem, lindo ❤


HOW DARE YOU take a break! Lol just kidding! Enjoy your time off, you deserve it. Yeah good call on deleting your Twitter, that site is the armpit of humanity's asshole.


yeap unfortunatelly is the biggest site for nsfw artists to show your art and work but it's really tough... I'm honestly already feeling lighter xDD haha thank you man &lt;3


eu prometo que voltarei... mas preciso desse tempo ;-; obrigado por sempre ta aqui &lt;3


I would recommend making this post public, because non-members can't heed your warning of not joining mid-November if they can't see the post. It would also let people know what's going on if they decide to look you up on Google upon seeing your Twitter account is down. Though, if Twitter's atmosphere is too much for you, there's also FurAffinity even if not as lucrative so it'd have to be temporary. Enjoy your break, and no pressure long long as you are financially able. Your art is great, but there's still an artist behind the art.


HAHAHA I'M SORRYYYY thank you man &lt;3 and yeah twitter is a hard place to deal lol getting a break from it is like a therapy


Have a good break and hope you feel better afterwards &lt;3


I hope you have a fantastic trip man! And I hope taking a break from twitter helps - I totally understand the pressure that it can cause and hope it's a healthy change. Biggest hugs to you bud, and be safe! Excited to see you come back recharged


Thanks for letting us know and like others have said, staying away from twitter will do wonders i think. That's a necessary evil to have twitter but keeping yourself away from all the drama, all the constant flux of information directly being fed to your brain is something necessary. Mental self-care is important too ^^


yeap I'm glad I could release that... social media like twitter can destroy our minds if we don't prepare our thoughts!


Twitter is toxic, good choice to remove yourself! But im so glad you can do a bit of travel and have improved your life ! Self care is important &lt;3


Have fun Zo 🤗 :zo_pat: 😚


Twitter is indeed a tough place... a break from it is always necessary! thank you man &lt;33


Take your time I’ll be waiting for your amazing art till then, you deserve the brake. Also I’m sorry you been feeling that, i know what’s it like to have stressful anxiety. Take care till then! ❤️


Have fun and enjoy yourself!!!!


Enjoy your break! You definitely deserve it. Take care of yourself. The orcs will be ready for fun when you get back.


Have a safe trip Zoroj, take Orgram and Henry with you and show them the wonders of our world, relax and soothe your mind from the stress of twitter and social media https://media2.giphy.com/media/ftdALibUWnwazNWkzw/giphy.gif https://i.giphy.com/media/dn0xvu288ggxOUlSoE/giphy.gif


I hope you enjoy your trip! And I rejoined your Patreon anyway because I want to see all your hot orcs and hot artwork anytime ❤️❤️❤️❤️


zo! enjoy and take care of urself 🧡🧡