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Previous page (6x1): https://www.patreon.com/posts/my-life-with-orc-41248894




HAHAHA~~ "I will catch you(r balls)!"


You know, if your goal is to beat the orc, stopping and turning back is not the best way to do that, buddy. Then again, he also didn't specify an endpoint to the race, haha, but that's what happens when you issue an adrenaline-caused challenge! I have to emphasize how /well/ you do motion, wow. All your poses are really dynamic! And apparently the crab decided he wanted no part of this challenge and finally let go of Ogram's ear, haha. *Jaws theme plays in the background*


omg hahaha The crab is too powerful! his participation in this challenge would be really unfair! xD also a Jaws movie with orcs would be the best show! lmao