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Patron send a message warning to all creators that today is the #ThankYouPatrons Day!

It's always hard for me to say how I feel about my err... feelings? (one of the reasons is the english that isn't my native linguage, so it difficult too xDD) anyway, you guys can think that the money support here can be small, but for me it helps a lot!! With the patron monthly payment helps in important little expenses like medications, food and stuff! Also it helped a lot to increase my savings and buy a better computer and digital tablet! Really... THIS IS AMAZING! THANKS YOUR BEATIFUL!!!

Also I'm so honored and astonished to have 200+ patrons <3 (I never thought I would have more than 50 lol) so really really thank you so much guys!! that means a lot in my life! x3

I hope next year I can finally work seriously at patreon with exclusive monthly packs and give more nice content for u all! and of course create a discord server! so we can chat dumb things and future ideas x)



winter ace

Well we all love your work! And excited to see more!


Love you 😘


Fiquei tão feliz que pude finalmente poder te ajudar, mesmo que com uma pequena quantida, espero que no futuro eu possa ajudar ainda mais pois vc merece o mundo♥️


ownn &lt;33 brigadao cara! cada pequena quantia ja me ajuda muito x)


You deserve all the best! &lt;3 I hope you are going to have even more success in the future! And you don't have to be so harsh for yourself, your english is good enough! At least I never had issue with understand you. Also... You are using discord and you never joined mine?! I'm totally offended! xD


omg boss &lt;333 I wish double for yaa!! Love you! and noo I don't have discord, but lately a lot of people are asking me for it... what can I do? hmmmm


You're moving on up, and you should give yourself a hand! Also, if you make a Discord, I'll definitely join.

winter ace

^ I have to agree with these guys


Big love for you 💚, and your orc👻