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Even the people I respected blocked and banned me.

What did I do?

The people I revered turned their backs on me....

Everyone thinks I did something bad....

I have only heard rumors about me....

But these rumors are NOT true...!

Why don't you look or ask first.... NO we BLOCK and BANISH you....

I am called the biggest thief....

All this time, since that one case, I have never touched anything that is not mine...!

Now you're thinking, why am I doing this pity show...?

All I say to that is NO.... I don't care about anything by now!

I hate nothing more than drama and detest envy!

I am one of the last people in this world to want anything bad.

The scapegoat? Me?

With pleasure!

I did nothing, I stood up for my friends....

But what I did was presented as a LIE or a rumor.

Because I said don't worry, everything will be fine...?

Why are they closing the door on me?

The thing 1 1/2 years ago...? I apologized LOUDLY and DEFINITELY for that!

What is the current problem...?


All I can say is that these rumors are not true!

I read every day how my friends are being dragged into this!

Lock me away! Why my friends?

Take me as a scapegoat!

Even though I didn't do anything!

What more do you want to know?

How I feel?

Am I crying behind the PC?

If I can still breathe?

Honestly, I feel fine!

The only thing that bothers me is that I'm accused of... what doesn't exist, just like my friends!

Rumors here, rumors there, I can't hear it anymore.... I think you are out to bring down people who have a heart and stand up for their friends!

I am not speaking as a victim here now.... NO I am putting myself out here.

My dear friends... I am terribly sorry for what happened the whole 2 years.... Also my former friends that I helped that were on the sidelines.

Take me gladly as a scapegoat I do not care by now!

BUT I warn you! If you harm my friends, then I get angry and show you my bad side!

I call you bullies?

Yes, that is right, but do you know why?

Have you not even thought about how you bitch about me?

With every shitty post you make in Discord?

Just sad!

Criticism I accept, but anyone who calls me a shithead or a thief has got it fisted!

Don't you even think about what you are saying?

You are hurting a person who loves and lives this hobby.

I don't steal anything, I put a lot of effort into my textures and makeups ....

I even make them available?

Make money?

Quite the opposite.

As for the meshes I commented, I pay NewSea 28$+22$ monthly for each hair.

Do you want me to stream live? So you can see how I work?

How I do my textures, how I do my makeup?

But then you find another rumor that wasn't me....

But you know I don't give a shit!

If you think I'm stealing or lying, believe it.... I know how long I sit at the PC and work!

When I sit with my friends in the Voice, I always stream my stuff....

But well, who's going to believe me, neh? xD

It's become so sad...

I'm a small unimportant person, why are you still talking about me?

I thought I wasn't worth it.

Don't you think it's enough?


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