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Sorry to bother you but the discord will be deleted in 24 hours.

please do not ask for I will leave the modding community!

By breathing hard and thinking about the discord....
I will give everyone the opportunity to download my mods on patreon... when I feel like it again, I will also post more, but I think in the couple of days for now not.... From discord I say goodbye...
on patreon will also be the FREE mods in it.


<code>Indem ich schwer atme und an den Discord denke....
Ich werde jedem die Möglichkeit geben, meine Mods auf patreon herunterzuladen... wenn ich wieder Lust habe,
werde ich auch mehr posten, aber ich denke in den paar Tagen erstmal nicht.... Von discord verabschiede ich mich...
auf patreon werden auch die FREE mods drin sein.</code>




Not gonna ask why but thank you for all the mods and time you put into this you did great work and if you feel it's time it's time


Just wanted to say thank you!! I'll always look forward to your posts!!


I saw that your discord is leaving soon...I have a big youtube channel and understand myself the exhaustion of the internet...If you need a break or your heart isn't in it--it's totally ok and I hope you feel better! If something is wrong... I know I'm a random fan but I truly hope you are alright and feel better. You are kind and tremendously talented. I enjoy your mods and I'm jealous of the skill you have in making what you have. Know you are important and appreciated ; Have a great day! Maybe if you are ever on Aether Siren you would like to raid or look at home decor together n_n Your fan, Kaz Kazlux#0001 Kazlux Murasame