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We couldn't be more excited to report that development is going extremely well on the upcoming League of Maidens OSOT 1.6.0a patch (The Other Side of Time). With an expanded team working hard to create amazing content we cannot wait to show you what we've been working on and we cannot wait for you all to enjoy the amazing content and surprises we have in store. We thank you SO MUCH for your patience and until then please feel free to check out the official logo for "The Other Side of Time", a preview of the base outfit for the newest Stronghold Boss (Andriod Hunter) mechanized versions of several mobs and more along with the OSOT prologue below.

As always NONE of this development would be possible without your amazing support. THANK YOU to all of you that have continued to support us with your in-game purchases and with your continued Maiden+ subscriptions. YOU GUYS ROCK!!!


League of Maidens OSOT Prologue

If you are receiving this message, then it might already be too late.

What have we done? We created monsters in order to destroy the ones that had us in peril. With help from the warmaiden program created by General Michaels, we were able to narrowly avoid a possible extinction level event. We were able to destroy the Fall.

Atonia wanted us dead, simply because of who we were. She would have succeeded if it weren’t for the warmaidens. After the dust settled, the Champions stood tall, and we rose on their shoulders. We sent them to defeat titans, and in doing so the warmaidens became our gods. But being gods was the furthest thing from their minds. They wanted what all great warriors want after war...peace. They divided the world into five different regions where each could protect the populous in case of emerging threats.

As the years went on, the warmaidens regressed into protecting their own regions. Each had their own vision of how to keep it safe. Slowly over the course of time… they stopped caring for one another. The people… their factions… their saviors. Resources began to dwindle. Soon after, came bloodshed. What irony. In the end, we did to ourselves what The Fall could not.

General Michaels' plan for a world order disintegrated in front of his eyes and he blames me for its downfall. The warmaidens would not have come into power if it were not for my leadership. During the war against the warmaidens the human casualties forced General Michaels to activate a previously piloted program to create mechanized warriors using fallen warmaidens and the carcasses of the deceased Fall along with a modification to a porter technology dubbed the “Temporal device” created to transfer a being from one location to another with the addition of time displacement. Its purpose was to go back in time and eliminate Atonia before she came to power, but the Champions stopped her before it became fully operational.

In the end General Michael’s effort to combat the warmaidens using his android army failed leaving him with one final option. To use his mechanized horde along with the Temporal device to slaughter anyone associated with the warmaiden program. He believes by killing us, the warmaidens rise to power will come to an end.    My name is Major Frost, and this will be my final message. I’m going into the past to stop General Michaels’ heinous attack.    

The race to save a future in peril begins now...

IMPORTANT: Please note that the 1.6.0a patch is NOT the next patch. We are previewing work for a much larger content update that will happen in the future with a currently unannounced date. We will update frequently on our progress and set a date only when we are confident that the patch is ready to deliver. We thank you for your patience in advance.

Last but definitely not least, don't forget to check out the updates and fixes coming in our next 1.5.8 patch with a major improvement on performance!!!

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Revision: LoM v1.5.8a
Release Date: TBD
Patch Size: 15 Issues addressed

Review the build/patch/hotfix list below for a detailed list of resolved issues in the associated build/patch/hotfix.

1 - Fixed a bug that caused some players to get stuck at the Start Menu.

2 - Boss Drop and Item Sourcing icons have been removed from the Desktop.

3 - Fixed a bug that caused some players to experience a crash when claiming Atonement Rewards.

4 - Fixed a bug that caused texture problems when portals appear during gameplay.

5 - Fixed a bug that caused the Weekly Challenge to not deliver the rewards as intended. (More testing required for confirmation)

6 - Ascension Gear has been revamped. More details in coming.

7 - Added the ability to clear Atonement Drops for anyone simply looking to farm gear on a particular warmaiden.

8 - Reduced the free memory requirement for the warning message at the start of gameplay from 4GB to 3GB.

9 - Fixed a bug that caused the "Find 3 items" quest to not get completed when turning them into the quest giver.

10 - Fixed broken http links on the mini map.

11 - Completed an upgrade to the latest version of the game engine.

12 - Completed a series of updates for additional performance improvements.

13 - Added four new standing attacks (Left/Right Hook, Uppercut and Power Smash) to the Mouse 1 and Mouse 2 buttons (using SHIFT and Space bar modifiers) for the Size Matters skill for Giant vs. Giant battles.

14 - New "Mark of the Beast" Melee Skill has been added.

15 - New "Primal Pounce" dodge Ability has been added.




could we get dimaonds as long in rewards to in the furture that would be neat too


yes! Can't wait for the new content! Also more pets would be nice!