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About two and a half years ago, I posted about my experiments with AI Dungeon and how impressive it was at the time. Recently, I discovered to my delight that while ChatGPT claims to decline "inappropriate requests," it has a very normie idea of what's inappropriate. (Understandably - blocking it from doing anything that was someone's kink would block almost everything.) So let's take a look at the newest incarnation of the "say the magic words back to me" machine and see what it can do! This post is, obviously, not a paid post, since the story below isn't my work, but I want to share my thoughts anyway as a longtime member of the Kink Shit Industry.

So, first impressions: large language models have gotten crazy good, crazy fast. When I was playing with AIDungeon and NovelAI, they had to be carefully chivvied along sentence by sentence, with little awareness of any overall story. ChatGPT is way beyond that and can "keep track" of the overall plot and themes, "remember" a character's motivations, etc.

(Words in quotes because it's doing no such thing, nor is it "AI", as it's popularly called. The illusion is amazing, though.)

I entered the following prompts in succession to create the overall plot of a story:

"Please write the first part of a multi-part story based on the following prompt: a young superheroine has the mutant ability to use telekinesis to move matter up to ten times her body weight. In this opening scene, she's decided to gain some weight in order to increase her power, and uses it as an excuse to enjoy glutting herself on all her favorite foods. She's a tough woman whose outfit is jeans, a leather jacket, and a t-shirt. Please include her name and a physical description.


In the second section, Kinetic weighs herself and looks in the mirror, checks her progress, and tests out her newly strengthened power, discovering she's capable of some impressive feats.


In the next section, Emily continues her plan, but her friends start to notice the changes in her appearance, and her tighter clothes. Since her role as Kinetic is a secret identity, she makes excuses for the way she's eating now.


In the next section, Emily as Kinetic takes on a villain. The villain is unable to stand up to her new power, but taunts her about her weight.


End the story with a flash-forward in which Emily has put on fifty pounds, and is now the most powerful hero in the city."

Specifying "the first part of a multi-part story" was important because otherwise ChatGPT would try to wrap things up with a conclusive ending at the end of every scene. And here's the story that came out! I regenerated a couple of times when I thought it could do better on a section and added the title and the end; otherwise this is all generated by ChatGPT.


Her name was Emily, but she preferred to go by her superhero name, Kinetic. As a mutant with telekinetic abilities, Emily had always been aware of her potential to move objects with her mind. But it wasn't until she started training with the X-Men that she realized just how powerful she could be.

Emily was a tough woman, with short, spiky blonde hair and piercing blue eyes. Her outfit of choice was simple but functional, with a pair of well-worn jeans, a black leather jacket, and a plain white t-shirt. She didn't need flashy costumes or capes to feel like a superhero; her powers were enough to make her feel invincible.

But Emily had a secret. She had recently discovered that her telekinetic abilities were directly tied to her body weight. The more she weighed, the stronger her powers became. And so, in a bold move, she had decided to gain some weight in order to increase her power.

She had been indulging in all of her favorite foods, gorging herself on pizza, burgers, and ice cream. It wasn't the healthiest plan, but Emily was willing to do whatever it took to become the strongest hero she could be. As she sat in a diner, shoveling forkfuls of pancakes and syrup into her mouth, she couldn't help but feel a little guilty about her gluttonous behavior. But then she remembered the incredible feats of strength she had accomplished since starting her weight-gain plan, and the guilt melted away. Emily was on a mission, and nothing was going to stop her from reaching her goal.

The next morning, Emily woke up feeling slightly bloated but excited to see if her weight-gain plan had paid off. She stepped onto her bathroom scale and held her breath as the digital display flickered to life.

To her delight, the numbers on the scale had gone up by five pounds since the last time she had weighed herself. She grinned at her reflection in the mirror, admiring the slight curve to her previously flat stomach.

Feeling emboldened by her success, Emily decided to put her newly strengthened power to the test. She stood in the center of her bedroom and closed her eyes, focusing on the energy flowing through her body.

With a deep breath, she reached out with her mind and grasped the nearest object, a large wooden dresser that stood against the wall. The dresser lifted off the ground with ease, hovering in the air for a moment before Emily lowered it back down with a satisfied smile.

But she didn't stop there. Emily reached out again, this time wrapping her mind around her bed, which was much heavier than the dresser. She strained with effort, feeling the weight of the bed pressing against her telekinetic force. But to her surprise, the bed lifted off the ground, rising higher and higher until it was hovering just inches below the ceiling.

Emily felt a thrill of triumph race through her body as she lowered the bed back down, feeling the rush of energy coursing through her veins. She had never felt so strong, so powerful. With a newfound sense of confidence, Emily knew that she was ready to take on any challenge that came her way.

As Emily continued her weight-gain plan, her friends began to notice the changes in her appearance. Her once-flat stomach was now rounded, and her clothes had become noticeably tighter. Her friend Sarah commented on it during a lunch date.

"Emily, are you okay?" Sarah asked, glancing at her friend's bloated belly.

Emily hesitated for a moment before coming up with a quick excuse. "Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just trying to gain some weight for a new workout routine."

Sarah looked skeptical but didn't press the issue. However, the questions continued from her other friends, and Emily found herself making up more and more elaborate lies to explain her increased appetite and changing body shape.

It wasn't just her friends who were starting to notice. Emily's secret identity as Kinetic made it even more difficult to hide her physical changes. Her costume, which had once fit her perfectly, was now snug in all the wrong places. But she couldn't risk giving away her identity by asking for a new one.

Emily knew she had to be careful. She couldn't let anyone discover her secret, but she couldn't give up her weight-gain plan either. She continued to indulge in her favorite foods, sneaking in extra meals whenever she could.

As she sat in a fast-food restaurant, scarfing down a massive burger and fries, Emily couldn't help but feel a little guilty. But she reminded herself that her powers were getting stronger with every pound she gained. It was a small sacrifice to make for the greater good.

Emily finished her meal and headed out the door, feeling both exhilarated and nervous about her new plan. She had never felt so powerful before, but she couldn't help but wonder what the consequences of her actions might be.

Emily knew that her new strength would come in handy sooner or later, and it wasn't long before she found herself face to face with a villain.

It was a typical Tuesday night, and Emily was on patrol, keeping an eye out for any signs of trouble. As she walked down a dark alley, she spotted a man in a dark hooded sweatshirt, hunched over a small safe. She knew she had to act fast.

Emily stepped forward, her hand raised, and the man spun around, revealing a twisted sneer on his face. "Well, well, well," he said, "what do we have here? A little superheroine with a few extra pounds?"

Emily felt a pang of insecurity, but she pushed it aside and stood her ground. "I'm Kinetic," she said, her voice steady, "and I'm here to stop you."

The villain laughed. "Stop me? You're not strong enough to stop a fly."

Emily's eyes narrowed, and she reached out with her telekinetic power. The man lifted off the ground and slammed into the brick wall of the alley, hard.

"You were saying?" Emily asked, her voice cold.

The villain groaned and struggled to stand up. "You may have more power now, but you're still nothing but a fat little girl playing dress-up."

Emily felt a wave of anger wash over her. She knew she was stronger now, but the taunts about her weight still hurt. She lifted the man off the ground again, this time holding him up by his throat.

"You don't know anything about me," she growled, her voice low and dangerous. "And you don't get to talk to me like that."

With one final burst of energy, Emily sent the villain crashing to the ground. He lay there, groaning and defeated, as she turned and walked away, feeling more confident than ever before.

As time passed, Emily's weight-gain plan continued to pay off. She put on another ten pounds, then another twenty. Her friends and family continued to express concern, but she brushed them off, confident in her plan and her growing powers.

Soon, she was the most powerful hero in the city, feared by villains and admired by citizens. And with each pound she gained, her strength increased tenfold.

Now, fifty pounds heavier than when she started, Emily stood tall and proud, her jeans straining at the seams and her leather jacket barely able to close. She was a force to be reckoned with, and she knew it.

But as she looked out over the city she had sworn to protect, Emily couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt. She had gained all this power by indulging in her favorite foods, by giving in to her cravings and ignoring the concerns of those around her.

But then she remembered all the good she had done, all the people she had saved, all the villains she had defeated. She may have put on some weight, but she had also become a hero, a protector of the city she loved.

And as she soared off into the night, her powers at their peak, Emily knew that she would continue to use her strength for good, no matter the cost. Because that's what heroes do.

The End

This is a massive advancement. There's some repetitive word use ("weight-gain plan") and the occasional oddness like a safe being out in an alley, but overall it's a pedestrian but coherent story that's exactly what I asked for, with very little oversight needed.

Now, I think that the fears of this replacing creative writers generally are overblown (at least any time soon), because what ChatGPT does, for all that it's gotten very good at it, is still filling in "get from A to B," given an idea it was provided by a human. What it does is the easy part of writing and is not what authors mostly get paid for.

However, for creating erotic stories, where the reader knows exactly what they want to see and just want someone to say it back to them in a way that feels new? This is a hell of a tool.



I was curious, so I asked it to write a short story based on the alternate universe "What If?" commissions where Saffy gets huge. Hope you don't mind! It produced this. "The morning after her successful exorcism, Saffy slowly opened her eyes and took a deep breath, feeling the weight of the world lifted off her shoulders. For the first time in a year, she could think clearly and move without feeling like a burden. She looked down at her body and sighed, realizing that she had gained an incredible amount of weight during her possession. Saffy knew she had a long road ahead of her to get back to her old self. She struggled to get out of bed, and her joints ached as she took each step. She knew that she needed to start exercising and eating healthier, but it was a daunting task. Parker, her roommate, tried to be helpful, but Saffy found her constant diet and exercise tips to be insensitive and tone-deaf. Saffy appreciated the support, but she needed someone who understood what she was going through. One day, Saffy stumbled upon a local support group for people who had gone through similar experiences to hers. She felt an immediate connection with the group members and found comfort in their stories of struggle and triumph. With the support of her new friends and her own determination, Saffy began to make progress. She started taking short walks around the block, then gradually worked her way up to longer walks and eventually jogging. She began to replace her unhealthy snacks with healthier options, and her body slowly started to shed the excess weight. Months passed, and Saffy was almost back to her old self. She still wore her emerald green hijab and sari, but now they fit her comfortably. She had also added some new clothes to her wardrobe, clothes that reflected her unique sense of style. Saffy continued to create content for her ghost hunting YouTube series, but she also began to incorporate her personal journey of overcoming her possession-related weight gain into her videos. Her viewers responded positively, and Saffy found that sharing her story had helped her connect with her audience in a deeper way. As Saffy looked back on the past year, she realized that her possession had been a blessing in disguise. It had forced her to confront her own weaknesses and had given her the opportunity to grow stronger. She was grateful for the support of her friends and family, and for the lessons she had learned along the way.


Neat! I've noticed it always wraps up with that little 'and here's what we learned!' paragraph unless you specifically avoid it. I have a feeling a lot of English class cheaters are going to get caught that way.