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Ameerah Khan (28) is a tabletop RPG fanatic who loves D&D (she plays both online and in person - this is her comfy online mode.)  You can tell the comic takes place in the slightly recent past because her mood is "excited about the upcoming Critical Role show" and not "pissed off about OGL stuff."  She used to be annoyed by her little sister wanting to butt in on her games with friends, but now that they're adults she's always hoping Saffy will play in one of her campaigns -- so far the scheduling hasn't worked out.

Dr. Fabienne Lustenberger (55) is a particle physicist, although she also fancies herself a little bit of a domestic goddess and tends to dress the part at home, as seen here. She's a very precise woman and believes in doing whatever she's doing to its full potential, which is why when she was in grad school she went for the full teaching assistant experience and hooked up with one of her students. Remarkably, they're still together 30 years later.  Her husband Wolfgang (49) is dedicated to fitness (which is how he's still in good shape despite middle age and his wife's baking output) and to his family and to... not much else, really, he just kind of bums around having "experiences" and dabbling in all kinds of different things while being mostly a stay-at-home dad, so it was no problem for him to follow his wife to America when her career called for it. 

In keeping with Fabienne's "do it once and do it right" philosophy, they have one child who got the best of everything, though she's starting to wonder if maybe Wolfgang was a little too laissez faire about discipline and that sort of thing.




Starting to see why Parker snapped in the last comic (and maybe why she opted to study in the United States in the first place). That sounds like a lot of pressure to "live up to your full potential", let alone the fact that that she's definitely not in shape any more, so she probably feels she's disappointing her father in terms of physical fitness, too. Ameerah absolutely has "cool older sister with nerdy hobbies but is still cooler than I could ever be" vibes. The expression, the body language, and the way she rocks that shirt says it all, really!