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Yeah, there is just way too much to handle going on right now, so I'm taking the month off.  I paused billing for the August cycle, which means you won't be charged at the beginning of next month, and if you've got an annual pledge it'll be extended an extra month.  It's a little weird since technically you're getting a month where you paid but don't get art followed by a month where you don't pay but do get art, but it evens out. Pledges will resume at the beginning of September.

(Again, it's all good stuff - it's just a lot!  I'm closing a real estate purchase and also moving into said real estate purchase, plus there's some exciting but time-consuming things going on in my non-kinky, non-Supercake creative life. It's overwhelming and I just don't have the brain bandwidth to have art deadlines too right now...)



Well, enjoy your well earned vacation time