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In response to a question about what Parker and Saffy would look like in full color: like this!

Other fun facts about them:

-They met in college while taking a class on monster movies, and decided to move in together after Saffy graduated and was desperate to get out of the place she shared with eight roommates.

- Saffy is a professional makeup artist who dreams of working on horror films but for now mostly lives on the profit from a face-painting stand.

- Parker gets checks from her parents every month, just until the ghost-hunting thing takes off, which will be any day now.

- Parker has 20/20 vision and only wears the glasses because they're part of her brand. Describing things she does as "part of my brand" is also part of her brand.

- Despite Saffy being the one to constantly get the "where are you from" question, Parker is the immigrant. Her family moved to the US from Switzerland when she was four. She started calling herself Parker in middle school because it sounded cooler to her than "Flurina", and had her name legally changed as soon as she was old enough. Saffy was born in Michigan.




Saffy from the chocolate country that explains why she’s chunky lol


Ahh, thank you! This makes me so happy. These two are easily my favourite duo you've ever drawn. They feel so real.


Thanks! I should probably do like a biographical comic about this sometime, but I've been on trans HRT for the last year or so and at the beginning I was worried taking estrogen and t-blockers was going to completely nuke my ability to do these comics. But I think it's actually been the opposite; it hasn't changed what I find sexy, but it's become easier to make it into an interesting story because there's no longer this oppressive, driving need to get to the hot parts - which is why this one is so much more of a slow burn compared to others I've done. Opinions may vary on whether or not it's an improvement, but I like it.


I love these two so much! You've always been great about developing your characters, but they're something special. Parker might be your best "loveable jerk" since Benjamin Glee!

Foo Bar

I've been meaning to ask, is Parker named after the Parker from Lego's Hidden Side toyline? They've got pretty similar taste in hats, along with each being part of a ghost-hunting duo.