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Maggie is from a movie called The Bronze about an up-and-coming gymnast being trained by a bitter has-been who's secretly trying to sabotage her. Her trainer convinced her it was a good idea to visualize exercises instead of doing them, eat a 10,000-calorie-a-day diet like Michael Phelps, and drink pot smoothies.

Ah, you might say, so this picture is a whimsical imagining of what that plot COULD have led to, a chubby, stoned girl wobbling through a terrible gymnastics routine, but of course she didn't get noticeably fatter in the actual movie or anything, right? WRONG. THIS REALLY HAPPENS, YO. It's pretty hot!




OMG, I must learn more about this. Sounds amazing. And the picture's adorable. :-D


Now I want to find a video clip of this...

Bitter Karella

Is this true? Is this tantalizing tale of yours true?


I just watched it this evening! Not only is the movie funny as hell, this scene was every bit as awesome as it was made out to be. :-D


Magnificent pic. Love her expression


Well, I'll be adding this movie to my must watch list.