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The beginning of a new comic. I've got a few pages of this laid out and I'm thinking it's really going to be fun to do (and to read, hopefully!)

I'm trying something a little new with the colors, partly inspired by the way it's done in the Nathan Hale's Hazardous Tales series, which are grayscale except for a single signature color in each volume. In this case I'm using a signature color for each character, which should be useful for something I want to do a little later on in the story. Does it work? Hmm, I guess we'll find out.




I’m loving where this comic is going plus the mixer of color and black and white really makes it stand out really well


I really like the setup so far!


Theory on that day she ate too much that she exploded never reaching that pure food nirvana

Tom the Fanboy

A cursed booth that makes people pig out sounds like the perfect date night destination!