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Hey, all.  Aside from all the other stuff going on, this last week I was flattened by an illness that's left me unable to get any work done at all. I've decided to take a break for the rest of the month to focus first on getting better and then on the move.  I've paused billing for August, which means if you're pledging monthly you won't get charged at the usual time at the beginning of next month, and collection should resume as normal at the beginning of September. If you're an annual pledger, your coverage will be extended by a month past when it would have been. And I believe if you sign up as a new patron during this time you'll  be charged as normal, so be aware.  Have a good month and I'll see you next time in better health and from a new home.  : ) 


Benjamin Hower

Best wishes! Hope you feel better soon.


Thanks for the heads-up. Get well soon, S!


Hope you get well soon, make sure to drink lots of fluids


Feel better soon! Rest and recover, and we'll be here for you when you're ready.