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This has been a big month for surprise fat representation in comics. 

Freaks Squeele: Kim Trauma (which actually came out last fall) is a spin-off of Florent Madoux's Freaks Squeele series about aspiring superheroes in college, focusing on a woman who treats their unique medical needs. She uses her own power of magic tattoos, which draws on her stored energy and burns up a lot of body mass, so she has to put on weight before a procedure (fortunately, she can do it very quickly.)

Larger preview of first spread 

Larger preview of second spread 

It's a fairly lengthy book (134 pages, including two full comics stories, a short story, and a bunch of extras), well worth the seven bucks. Unfortunately, it's only available in French right now.  Why does Freaks Squeele have basically no presence in the English-speaking world?  It's a real shame.

Freaks Squeele: Kim Trauma on Amazon

With a name like Alice in Leatherland, a comic has to be either a cute, bawdy European romp or some kind of American McGee shit, so I was happy to discover that it's the former. Created by Iolanda Zanfardino and Elisa Romboli, Alice is the story of a young woman who discovers her girlfriend cheating on her and impulsively takes off for a new life in San Francisco, where she winds up living in a house full of BDSM enthusiasts. 

Alice is wonderfully cute and curvy (she also has a thing for sweets, and is introduced eating a whole cake for breakfast) and the comic is charming.  As far as I can tell it's not available digitally anywhere, but if you're lucky enough to have a local comic shop in your area you might want to give this one a look.



Thanks for sharing posts like this in addition to your art. Kim Trauma seems like the kind of character you might have created! ;)