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More poetry, possibly too abstract to be really sexy? But I like how it came out. I don't think anyone has approached things from quite this perspective before.



Levi Tompkins

Okay this is super cute and at least a lil sexy. I wish the girl had some bookish embellishments to her clothing tho


There's a lot of layers to this and it flows together really well. I especially like how it segues from "thick book means difficult film adaptation" straight into "the camera adds ten pounds" seamlessly. Plus, it begs the question: if number of pages equates to a book's weight, does "The Stand" struggle to, y'know... stand?


I swear, you're the next Shel Silverstein, S! This is really giving me "Where The Sidewalk Ends" vibes, and I think you honestly have the capability to make a novel of just these little poems!


Excellent stuff, and the lady’s very cute too.


I thought of putting a book on her head or something but none of what I thought of really made sense; maybe I'll update it if I think of something.


Voluptuous and poetic


I wish there were more visuals to compliment these poems. A full comic would be a lot, but maybe an image for each stanza (or so)?

Tom the Fanboy

Seeing anthropomorphized versions of each of the novels mentioned would be super cute!

Zaftig Industries

This has a special resonance for writers who've had their manuscripts rejected for being too "big-boned" for public consumption.