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I've gotten more into AI dungeon, enough to publish several scenarios of my own - including a couple of kink-related ones.  (Though, since they're marked as 'nsfw', they won't show up at the below link unless you're logged in. (Edit - oops, forgot to mention you'll also need to turn off a filter under 'Display' for them to show up.))


Of course it's not like you can't just play the perfectly innocent Nancy Drew game and spend the whole time teasing Bess.  I won't tell!

Note: there are two main versions of AI Dungeon and unfortunately the really good one, Dragon, isn't available to free accounts -- and I'm not sure how well this will work on Griffon. I do recommend getting a monthly account if you can. It's loads of fun once you get the hang of it!



Ooooooohhhh! Sounds fun! I’ll have to check it out!

Levi Tompkins

Dangit. Im gonna have to subscribe to ai dungeon again


So, which one is the NSFW one? All I see are five, and they all seem pretty SFW Edit: Nevermind, it took me a bit to find the settings, since they weren't on the opening page. Edit edit: Nope, still just five.


These are great! Is there a guide or somewhere you found how to set goals and the like? The syntax looks pretty powerful!

Foo Bar

Did you turn off "filter nsfw content" under display?


There are a few guides around explaining how to enter information in; the big help in knowing the syntax is that you can fit more information into the space allowed, since it removes all the unimportant words. The specific form I use is horked from games I found that ran well and then just altered as necessary.


Are you doing something to train/set goals for/guide the AI or is it just the opening 'story' part and the rest is completely random based on our input?


There are other things that shape the input such as the memory and author's note - you can take these stories in pretty much any direction, though.