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"People really use [the Holodeck] for that?"

"Oh yeah.  It's MOSTLY that."

       -Star Trek: Lower Decks

Artificial intelligence has a million applications, but one of the most exciting for kinky folks is the possibility of automating the process of rearranging our "magic words" and saying them back to us.  AI has traditionally been pretty bad in this regard, but recently a service called AI Dungeon has made some pretty remarkable progress.  It has two versions: Griffon, which is OKAY but all over the place, and Dragon, the more expensive, paid version, which actually starts to approach the dream of a text-only Holodeck, once you get the hang of it.

That narrow scope is important, because I started off doing experiments like dropping characters into worlds made of candy and the AI really didn't know what to do.  The results were often amusing but not exactly sexy.  So I started giving the AI a more limited situation with a clearly defined plot and space of possibilities and the results were... pretty great, actually.  Check out this story about a pie-eating contest - I gave the AI some background rules and I wrote everything up to the world "begin", and all lines immediately following a ">" prompt. The rest is all AI generated.


[Edit - this link may only work if you're logged in.  A transcript is attached to this post.]

The results weren't QUITE as great as they look here - I had to tell the AI to try again a few times when it went off the rails or just took things in the wrong direction (most commonly, having characters throw up - which was hardly a failure in story logic on its part, just something I didn't want to happen) and there's still a little oddness here and there.  But on the whole, it was impressive - I mostly just went with the flow and I still got a complete story that makes sense.  Imagine where this is going to go in a few years.



Is the link still good? I'm just getting a spinning circle. I tried a couple different browsers but they're all doing the same thing.


It may only work if you're logged into the site (why? I don't know.) I copied the transcript and attached it to this post as a text file for anyone who doesn't want to deal with making an account.


It's really amazing tech. I've found for best results sometimes it's useful to just straght-up edit the AI's responses if there's something specific you want to have happen.