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Option 1 for the bonus comic has a pretty commanding lead, so that'll be the next comic!

Unfortunately, after declined pledges the level necessary for it wasn't actually reached this month, so it might be a bit of a wait--we'll see where things stand next month.  If I can't do it as a bonus comic fairly soon, I'll use the idea in the regular rotation.


Benjamin Hower

If it's not too rude to ask, what's the actual pledge level? Since the sidebar doesn't reflect reality.


looks like some decided to bring you back up to 500


It's something like 430. There's always a few declined cards but there were a couple of big ones this month which made the level it's showing even less accurate than usual. We'll see where it is next month--you can never tell which declined cards are a one-time mistake and which ones are just bad cards.


I've been seeing the make-fake-cards for enormous pledges bit happening to a few other artists. I know SLB, for one, got hit with it pretty hard. People think they're really sneaky pledging and unpledging before the time you have to pay every few months to get all the content, too.


oh yeah i notice that happened to rex as well


I've seen other people get it pretty bad, but it hasn't been as much of a problem for me. There are other ways to distribute stuff I could go to if it becomes a big problem, but until then I figure might as well leave well enough alone!

none listed

I can't understand being a big enough fan to go through with that trouble, but not being able to spare a dollar for real. I know a dollar isn't a lot, but it's all I can afford. I get to feel good about the dollar, rather than awful about the theft, win/win.