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Here's a story I'm working on in Twine.  There's a few paths to explore although (for this early, first-part-only version) they all end up at the same place.  (And a few variables it tracks--though again, they don't affect much at this stage.)  Probably some bugs/typos in there, too, but I hope you enjoy it, and watch for more soon!



This is awesome! I'm loving the story so far and can't wait to see more. :D

Indighost Gengar / Lavender Spectre

This is super fun! I really love how the eating sequences slow down as you progress and there's a nice feeling of Oof.


Aww, I can’t seem to view it on Apple stuff. :( I gotta get a new laptop.


Fantastic as always. I especially enjoyed the teasing with your license and the general back and forth dynamic. I can't wait to see more!

Shelby Decker

That was actually pretty great!