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It's a cow. And like many barnyard animals, they're an unfortunate blend of adorable and delicious.

Indighost Gengar / Lavender Spectre

I finally read through all the archives. There's some good stuff in there. I have to say though that using Patreon as a gallery archive doesn't seem like the most convenient choice. For example, if you used a site that had folders, users who want to read Stuffed Sleuths could click on a "stories folder" and then that series. Right now i'm looking for a tag search funciton and am not sure if I see it.


Yeah, Patreon really doesn't work well for navigating old stuff or reading pages in order, but I don't know of any alternative that's as convenient to use. A while ago I put up a downloadable file containing almost everything released up to that point; I'll probably do something like that again soon (maybe in a couple weeks when I go on vacation.)

Richard Zinns

Speaking of Stuffed Sleuths, any chance of an update anytime soon?

Richard Zinns

That's nice to hear. But please don't forget that Stuffed Sleuths does have fans who are eager to see more. Thanks!