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Post your suggestions for a single-page comic here! (just one this time as I'm about to be a lot busier, sorry) When I've got a few I'll pick out some favorites and people can vote on them, just like the last one (of course that's assuming it doesn't drop back down, but if that happens it wouldn't hurt to have the suggestions in place anyway for the future.)


Tom the Fanboy

Creamy Beamy gets word of an alien named Viper coming soon. Research shows he is super powerful so she stuffs like a champion. Punchline: he's not a bad guy, it's the old "come to vipe the vindows" joke and she's stuck fat for a while.


Maybe a comic depicting one of Sydney's "niche market" recorded experiences, like "Multiple Thanksgiving dinners: A Before and After Experience"?


A bit of 'role reversal' - a chunky guy starts dating a cut, weight-lifting gym princess and slowly they start to pick up each other's habits, until she's tilt-poly and he's bench-pressing her.


I'd love to see what that cute blonde girl that showed up in the Fud restaurant is doing while Sydney is *spoilers for $1 donators*. Assuming what she's going is gorging herself into a bloated mess.


I would say one with the shape either one of her chibi or regular, training belly girl with one of the biggest cakes ever belly girl gets big again and the shape has to waddle away


Army officer turned petty warlord is extorting local villagers in Central-Government-is-too-Corrupt-and-Weak-to-do-Anything-About-it-Land. The terrified locals readily comply, but have nothing to offer but foodstuffs. Warlord Lady gorges herself on the villagers' delicious food and one transition panel later she is too fat and content to be a threat. Setting: Fake early 20th century for some hot snazzy uniform outgrowing action.


I like x-22's idea. Here's mine, for what it's worth: Cute girl loses role as the "chubby best friend" in a TV series to a larger competitor, who has a slight gut. She has the "I'll show them 'chubby best friend' !" attitude, and gorges herself until she dwarfs her competitor. Instead of getting her competitor's role, though, she gets signed on for the lead role on a different show, based on a reversal of the usual sitcom archetype...she's the fatty who has a studly spouse that's out of her league. Comic ends with her former competitor being told she needs to "bulk up" if she wants to land a lead role. *Shrug*


i'd love to see a remake of your girl who worked at the ice cream shop if you remember that. the one where she was all " i'll get sick of every flavor one at a time!"


At first I thought it was weird that such a scenario was proposed, but now I see that it was your idea I am not surprised at all. You know what you're doing.