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I've got two pages left and I'm going to try to put them both out this month, which means this month is the last paid one! Here's information about what to expect as we wrap up and important info, etc.

  • Payments will be paused indefinitely starting next month (I can't just set it to free because there's a few pages that can't be public due to Patreon's policies) - I might toss a thing or two extra up but this is pretty much the last regular-content month.

  • The original plan was to refund annual pledgers for the unused time, but there doesn't seem to be an option to do it partially on Patreon and not everyone may want it. I can offer them via paypal, though, so if you'd like to get the rest of your annual pledge back that way just send me a note and let me know the email you'd like me to send it to!

  • Also shoot me a message if you're interested in following my non-kinky stuff and I'll give you a link to my webpage for other art and writing projects.

  • Once things are finished I will leave the page up for a few months so everyone has plenty of time to save their favorite stuff, but it will eventually shut down, so please don't procrastinate!



I wish you the best on your endeavours! I remember discovering GPCB from that Balloon Belly TV Tropes page way back in the day and went through the whole webcomic on my Nintendo DS. The way god intended. It's honestly a dream of mine to make a video game adaption of it one day. Currently learning Unreal. Was originally doing Unity until they done fucked up. Would you be open to a game version of GPCB or would you rather have it left alone?


I’m interested in your new nonkinky projects if you can share