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COMICS VOTE I want to thank everyone who offered their suggestions! It was hard to narrow it down to just four, but here are the ones that I think I could do the best job with: 1. Little Red Riding Hood as an assassin stalking the wolf; some vore elements (maybe not too graphic though). A mood similar to 'Dishonored', for those who've played that. 2. Science fiction story in which Commissar Galina Galinova investigates excessive luxury on a planet with severe wealth inequality, and is seduced by the decadent lifestyle of the elite. (See x-22's full description in the nomination thread, I'd probably stick pretty close to it, but may futz with some details) 3. Rabbit Food - Remake of a very old comic. A woman gets a magic bunny costume that helps her diet by making vegetables taste like fattening desserts, but eats so much of them that she ends up getting fat anyway. A simple and wacky option. 4. The Walking Fed - in a world where almost everyone is fat, there's one band of skinny people wandering around trying to avoid being caught and turned into fatties. I'm not sure if this was the intent for the suggestion, but the setup seems ripe for this to be a parody of WG story tropes and cliches in general. Please respond to this comment with your choice! I'll leave voting open for at least a week (so until 10/8), after that it's subject to close so get your votes in early! In the event of a tie for the top position I will cast the tiebreaking vote. Thanks again to everyone who took the time to nominate a suggestion!



Voting for Red Riding Hood.


I'm going to go with idea #4.


I'd rather like to see #1 come about.


#1 sounds interesting.


#4 sounds pretty interesting

Levi Tompkins

Number 4 of course for me, and yeah, it certainly was supposed to be kind of a parody idea.


#4 sounds like a lot of fun, that's my vote! I like it when you do stuff that's also kind of a commentary/parody of different things, and that sounds like it could have a lot of material, both making fun of WG tropes and maybe other stuff like the 'obesity epidemic' and the exaggerated terror of getting fat that society has.


4 please.


3, if you'd please.


#2 gets my vote. Sounds like a fun mix of WG and corruption.


Go for 4. I love a good satire, and that premise seems like it would be ripe for both a bit of good natured ribbing of our own community and the mainstream's obesity hysteria.


#1 has my vote, we see vore very rarely from you.


#3 would absolutely love too see a remake on that amazing comic!


Number 4 sounds interesting


#3 defiantly


#2 -- let's turn this around! :P




#2 for sure!


#1, both for the vore aspect, and because I have no idea how you'd tackle a dishonored-style setting/mood and that very much intrigues me.


#4 - Walking Fed It has the funniest premise.