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Hey friends! please find the opening scene WIP shots for the upcoming CB animation featuring Nami and Robin from One Piece.

If you noticed, there some quality improvement on Robin's model, and that is due to a new Genshin Impact shader that I purchased from art station. Really happy to explore and play around with the shader and from seeing this, I believe anime style animation can look much better in the future! Absolutely loved the shader and I am pondering whether to apply it to Nami as well (Nami's shader is still the default one) Will play around some more to see if it can be improved further.

As for the animation, currently it is still in blocking stage, so everything is still janky and will involves a lot of polishing. I think this animation may be finished on end of April or early May approximately. Understand that you cannot wait to see Nami's flower obliterated and CB'ed by Robin's Hana Hana no Mi technique, so your patience is much appreciated!

Enjoy your weekend guys~

Note: Oh yes, changed the title into "Un Fleur" because someone on Discord messaged me that "Dos Fleur" means two flowers, so got to change it to "Un Fleur" (single flower)



G.I. Jose

Sure to be a CB Classic


lookin good