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George often gets caught up when looking at his lovely wife and friend, Beni. Since he's known her, she's always radiated warmth and love towards him, so it's practically a given he'd adore her like this!


Someone noted we haven't seen much of these two lately, so I decided to remedy that ;D Hope ya'll enjoy!




Relationship goals 🥺


Yes!! ❤️


I’ve been thinking, even the most perfect couples have fights. In fact this is what defines a good relationship- the couple cares so much for one another that they often fight / argue and even say or do stuff they later regret. I’m sure George and Beni, with all the love between them sometimes have their differences, and when they do - maybe Beni use her size to her advantage? I thought about a short scenario, tell me what you think: 1) George bring over a friend like before, and Beni returns home from a dancing class, all sweaty, remove her shoes and walking carelessly into the salon - accidentally stepping over George friend. 2) George is furious - shouting over Beni, in the heat of the moment tell her something nasty that makes her really mad. 3) Beni picks him up, shouting back at him, claiming it’s his fault for sitting with his friend in such a dangerous place, and she could even step on him - how can he be so careless?! Beni decides to punish George by giving him “Armpit timeout”, putting him there when it’s all sweaty from the dancing class, having hard time breathing he first pushing and kicking the flesh but slowly calms down. 4) Beni takes him out, feeing bad for what she did, she apologise, George apologise too, they make up and everything is ok now. It ends up showing the remains of his friend on her feet. What do you think? Maybe a few parts comic :) I think it can be an amazing piece for their story, showing something more about their relationship, making it deeper, meaningful and more realistic for a loving couple.

Swirly Time

Beni and george content ow aways the most wholesome loving stuff. It always makes me happy and warm inside