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Alright, so I finished the final two pages, redid the first page, and made a little cover to tie the bow on this lil scenario! 

This was a great learning experience, and I really can't stress that enough. I've been making comics in some form for a while now, but this project really feels like an evolution of my craft in a lot of ways. There's a lot more going on narratively and organizationally than say Lisandra comics (though don't get me wrong, those were special too.) Either way, comics, even in black and white like this, are challenging af lmao, but it's super satisfying to finish and be able to look at them lol.

As far as the story itself goes, in terms of my original plan, this is actually only act one of a larger story, but I shaped it so that these 10 pages alone are satisfying and digestible in their own way in case I don't ever create the follow-up parts. 

Anyway, I want to thank ya'll for putting up with my little chunk at a time style with this story, and I hope ya'll like it overall :D Lemme know your thoughts as always! 

As for what's coming up next, I'll probs try to do more solo pics/comic pages like usual for a bit to give myself a breather lol




Poor lad Soren really caught in middle of all this, seeing a different side of two people he's close with only moments apart. I'd say he's probably wise to just roll with it personally haha. Loved this ending man. I'd call it very satisfying as a standalone comic, but if you do eventually revisit the characters, Im sure it would be real interesting. I'll say I personally think releasing the pages in drops of two or so pages each update would be a good format to keep, at least for the longer comics such as this one. You get to digest the story a little more and build anticipation for the next update. Just my two cents ha. As always, keep up the great work!


Yeah, I knew this one was going to be great. You are knocking it out of the park, I love the world that you have developed thus far! Can't wait for more!


Yeah despite Barto actually getting crushed, Soren is probably the worst off in this by the end. Really the only winner here is Luz by the end XD And that's good to know! I'll definitely keep it in mind, as I would really like to do more longer form scenarios if possible. We'll burn that bridge when we get to it tho haha. I'm glad you liked it tho, and thanks for ya thoughts as always!


I'm really glad you liked it! I had a lot of fun designing these new characters for this story, and I'm hoping I can do more ASAP since its always nice getting to show off new stories to y'all :D