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George's experience living with his in-laws is certainly proving to be perilous! Lydia here is the daughter of the previously featured Rosamie, and sister to the yet-to-be-seen wife of George! Maybe said wife should get involved before her bug-sized hubby is a grease stain under someone's foot...




Love this! Mixing of pre-existing different sized groups is definitely something I'd like to see more of in the future


This is what you could incorporate in a game e.g. the text being a dialog interaction and the picture as the event. Great job


Oh yeah I've got plans for that sort of thing, I'm experimenting with something a bit more grandiose too, but we'll see how it goes lol and thank you!


Glad you like it! Yeah I thought the idea of having to get along with your comparatively giant in-laws would make for a great way to show that sort of interaction. I've no plans atm for an unfortunate ending to George's life, so for now there's more chances to see this fam in the future XD


George is officially one of the few tinies I *don't* want to get stepped on. It's fine if you resurrect him, but he's finally an unproblematic fave


Dang, George married into a family of giant, beautiful women...George is living the dream life XD

Swirly Time

I like the bit of hesitation from the sister in law and that she (most of the time) wont do it on purpose. I do however love the idea of the mother in law constantly taking the opportunity to squish or torture him


Yeah he has his work cut out for him with a stop-light esque family structure XD Wifey - Green, Sis in law - Yellow, Mom in law - Red