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Swirly Time

Oh i like this. Especially how powerful it makes her seem with the "snap of her fingers" Pretty ballsy of whoever did steal from her though knowing what she is capable of! Question! Is there a butler of sorts? Like one of the tiny people who trys to maintain order among the other tiny staff/ organizes who will do what or one who is like dedicated and loyal to Madam Bakshi (and or who has more "specialized" duties)?


<3 Sexy and powerful older lady? Yaaaaaaaas


Love the scenario already, especially her shrinking them even smaller. I live for crazy size differences so enjoy seeing you mess around with em more. One question. Did you mean to leave her name out in that first panel? Just curious. In any case, can't wait to see the follow up.


Yeah I really wanted to play around with sizes for this story just to stress Kamili's power over her servants XD and I did leave out her name, partially because I wanted to go for a sort of "secret files" type approach, where different maids compile stories anonymously for each other as warnings etc. Not sure if I'm gonna stick with that route 🤔 it definitely was an intentional move, but I may change my mind and revise it in the future if I feel more attached to the character And I'm glad you're enjoying this so far!


Yeah ballsy and definitely stupid move from whomever did it 😂 glad you're liking it so far! I honestly haven't thought of a lead servant type character, so that may be something to consider more as I go, thanks! Its comments like this that help me fill in the details of the world I've yet to think of XD