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Hey all...Wanted to give an update on everything going on. I'm still juggleing SP2 and Loser right now. I am coming up on finishing Loser. I just happened to go way overboard with the Diane content. 120+ extra images worth of overboard. Hence the delay. But, It should be well worth it.

I've also finished all the refactoring that I planned for with SP2 and am now rendering Stephanie content. I expect a lot of rendering this SP2 cycle, since I now have most of the base systems in the game, It's time for me to start putting those system to use. So, there will be a lot of Stephanie content, a bit of extra Maggie content. Some new locations, and I'll be fleshing out Hyde Park South for patrols and adding in more patrol incidents to both North and South. But for the foreseeable futue. Stephanie...lot's of Stephanie.

 That being said...Tomorrow I will begin the end of the month stream. My birthday is coming up in about a week, and I generally take a week off work for that, so I may stop splitting my time with SP2 and Loser and focus solely on Loser just to be sure I get the release out before my vacation. I'm sorry it's a bit behind schedule, but, it is to your benefit as I'm adding in an interesting system that will be shared across multiple characters once in place. Anywho, gonna get back tow riting Diane. If you'd like to watch to watch the End of Month stream join me on my Discord.




Have a happy Birthday and enjoy your vacation.

Davide Marcantonio

sai darci piu o meno una data per l'aggiornamento