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More like Bi-weekly...God I suck. I was so busy getting the final test build of Loser finished I totally forgot to post last week. This has made me come to a conclusion of sorts. I'm gonna need to reduce the amount of characters I focus on in Loser updates. As the AT's stack up, each one becomes longer and longer to make...which makes sense . The start of the game has a limited history of the main character, so the scenes tend to be foundational, and therefore end up being pretty short. But as a narrative between AT's emerge...the scenes become longer and more complex. So...the next update ,not the one that is about to drop, the one after that, will be the last update with 4  characters in the primary develop slots. I'm chooseing that one since it'll be the last AT for Jesse's "Vanilla path" This doesn't mean the amount of content will reduce, it just means the content will be more focused on the characters I'm working on. And it'll mean I'll be rotating characters in and out of development more often. Which was kind of a no brainer anyways... Many people would like some more Jay/Lisa/Sally content anyways ;)

That being said...This dev cycle went overtime by 2 weeks. So to be fair to Superpowered Fans...I will be giving SP2 2 more weeks to cook this dev cycle. 

The final test build for this Loser update is being put through it's steps, and I'm in bug hunt mode now. The official release will probably happen on Wednesday.

Today and Tomorrow however...I'll be doing the End of the Month stream on my Discord channel.

TLDR: Loser release very Soon, EoM Livestream today and tomorrow, SP2 dev cycle starts on wednesday.




...Many people would like some more Jay/Lisa/Sally content anyways... REALLY dudes? Fuck that, I want Diane :) threesome with Jesse :))


Where is the link for the discord and what time is the stream?


Well, maybe Sally, but honestly who cares about Jay and Lisa?