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Hey all!

I'm finally done with the initial build of SuperPowered2. Keep in mind that this really only has enough content to show the gameplay, UI, and give an idea of the potential. It's a very thin slice of what I have planned, and now that I have a large part of the underlying systems working, The next few builds will expand dramatically. Here's a few things to look forward to in the next few builds: Unstable States, Patrol Actions, Investigations, Professional Skills, Skill & Power Progression.

That being said, have fun.    :)

Gimme Gimme:

Mega Download 

DropBox Download  <-Only use if you can't get access to the mega folder.



Bing-Bong Boy

cant even get into the game. after prolouge it takes me to a sympathethic link page and keep saying "saving in progress"

Sam Brackbill

As a UI/Interface/Tech demo this is a great UI. Easy to use, streamlined, straightforward. I look forward to the game in its entirety now.